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Keep It In The Ground

The science is clear. If we burn all of the oil and gas and coal that the fossil fuel companies have identified already, the earth is toast. We need to keep it in the ground. This is a critical complement to all of the efforts to reduce our usage of fossil fuels. If we only work on reducing our consumption of fossil fuels, the price of fossil fuels will drop and others less concerned about the climate will be incentivized to burn that cheap energy. We need to reduce the amount of fossil fuels that are being extracted as we reduce our demand. 


How do we do that? Stop the bank lending and government subsidies that support the drilling, fracking and mining and stop construction of the pipelines to transport fossil fuels from the wells.  


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Don't let your money be used to finance fossil fuels

Many of the banks that hold our savings and issue our credit cards help make the destruction of our climate possible by financing the exploration, drilling, refining, pipeline and terminal projects that keep expanding the amount of fossil fuels extracted and burned. 


How can you ensure that you are not contributing to financing fossil fuel infrastructure with your banking and credit card dollars? A number of organizations are working to pressure the industry by encouraging all of us to move our dollars out of the big fossil fuel banks (and ideally into banks that are supporting the clean energy transition.


Take Action

  • Third Act is currently gathering Banking on our Future Pledges to close accounts and cut up credit cards issued by the big fossil fuel financiers.

  • In this chaotic time in the banking industry, a relatively low stress way to start is with your credit cards. Use the Fossil Fuel Free Credit Card Guide to identify if your cards help finance fossil fuels and  replace them if they do. Check the comparison chart of  selected cards in banks with low or no fossil fuel investment.

  • Join the Stop the Money Pipeline campaign to support a wide range of efforts to demand that banks, asset managers, insurance companies and institutional investors stop funding, insuring and investing in pipelines and other fossil fuel infrastructure leading to climate destruction.



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Contact the ClimateAction Center   

Got ideas? Questions? Concerns? Bugs? Suggestions? Requests? Have a climate action or a technology you'd like us to cover? Have a story of how e-bikes changed your life to share?

Or want to be on our list to keep apprised of news and opportunities? Drop us a note here. 

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